Български (България)English (United Kingdom)






                                                            ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT


  1. Communicates with municipal and state institutions.
  2. Controls the execution of contractual relations with external service providers.
  3. Control the performance of contractual relations with tenants.
  4. Provides the technical office communications and the computer network of the Institute.
  5. Carries out maintenance, servicing and repair of the Institute's property;
  6. Organize activities ensuring safe working conditions.
  7. Provides material and technical supplies.
  8. It is responsible for the storage, protection and reporting of the facilities.


Chief Ass. Ivan Bakalov PhD – Head of Department


Е-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Phone: +359 32 95 21 09;


       Mobile: +359 889508583



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